Phone / WhatsApp

+351 963 815 174


Opening Hour

Mon - Sat: 10:00-20:00

Medical massage

30 min / 40€

60 min /  70€

90 min / 105€

2 h / 140€

Medical Massage is a specialized form of massage therapy that is specifically focused on addressing medical conditions and injuries. Unlike relaxation massage, which is primarily aimed at reducing stress and promoting general well-being, medical massage is intended to alleviate pain, improve function, and support the healing process.


-Myofascial Release: Focuses on releasing tension in the fascia (connective tissue) to improve movement and reduce pain.

-Trigger Point Therapy: Targets specific points of muscle tension that refer pain to other areas of the body.

-Manual Lymphatic Drainage: Encourages the natural drainage of the lymph, which helps to remove waste and toxins from the body.

Dry Cupping: Applying suction to create a vacuum without any incisions.

Muscle Energy Technique:

 (MET) is a form of manual therapy used to treat musculoskeletal dysfunction. It is a non-invasive method that involves the patient actively using their muscles from a precise position and in a specific direction, against a counterforce applied by the therapist. The goal of MET is to improve mobility, reduce pain, and restore normal function in the affected muscles and joints.

Bell’s palsy
Myofascial Pain Syndrome)
Stiff Neck
Office Syndrome
Frozen Shoulder
Impingement Syndrome
Bicipital Tendinitis
Scapulocostal Syndrome
Tennis Elbow
Golfer Elbow
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Trigger Finger
Wrist drop
Cervical Spondylosis

Herniated Nucleus Pulposus
Piriformis Syndrome
Shortened Psoas Muscle
SI Joint Dysfunction)
Tight hip
Back Sprain
Osteoarthritis of Knee
Medial Knee Pain
Iliotibial Band Syndrome
Posterior Knee Pain
Calf Cramp
Ankle Sprain
Plantar Fasciitis
Achilles tendinitis
Stroke / Cerebrovascular accident (CVA)